The holiday season is officially in full swing! Halloween was a grand success this year complete with brilliant costumes, trick or treating frat boys, and dramatic unnecessary wine induced crying. I am proud to say that I was a part of all three of those festive activities. I am a big fan of this holiday. I have been ever since I was a little girl walking the suburban streets of Lubbock with my dad, sister, and jack-o-lantern bucket dressed in the beautiful imagination of my mothers creations. My mother being the amazing seamstress that she was donned my sister and I in beautiful handmade costumes that I would kill for as an adult. Sadly as a little girl I remember my disappointing though rebellious fascination with the oh so classy, very shinny Albertsons grocery holiday section. Here I dreamed of the day I would be allowed to purchase my idea of the holy grail Halloween attire. This taunted me (and my mother) every year. It was a simple look but so fabulously pink and fabulously so plastic. Essentially it was a cheaply made in China tarp with an over sized printed face mask. To me it was the smell of plastic cool. I do not remember what year my mother finally broke down and let me get this costume. It was probably after the year she made me and my sister both beautiful wedding dress costumes and we complained about them the whole night. I do remember the feeling of trying on the mask for the first time. It was the sensation of sticking my tongue along the back of the mask through the small breathing slit tasting the plastic and knowing it was mine all night. I was able to find a picture online of this exact costume...It is worse and better than I remembered.
Truly outrageous |
This year I must admit a major lack of inspiration. I had not seen any commitment to Halloween from my new city. There had been many rumors about how dedicated Bellingham is to the season but I was doubtful. Saturday October 29th 8:00 am while walking to get coffee I saw a group of about six young girls. This was normal. I pass these women every morning getting coffee. They are the apprentice crew from the downtown Tony and Guy. Now I guess this being a national brand they must keep up a certain image but Tony and Guy girls here look exactly like the ones in Texas. To help with this imagine black nails. furry boots, asymmetrical haircuts full of bold accent colors, black jeggings, and a lot of early morning makeup. Now on this Saturday my little tortured ladies had woken up extra early in order to add a bit of ump to their hair and eyeliner. They were all dressed as the hippest of hipster witches and very well done might I add. To aid in their disguise was an overcast breezy morning pushing around dead musical leaves and a swarm of black crows singing ominous notes of their presence. In that moment I found my holiday mojo. I decided on a costume idea, got invited to a dance party, and ate a mini snickers bar within the following hours. So without further delay here are some images from Halloween 2011.
The Dear hunter and his dear |
The reason I was covered in fake blood by the end of the evening and also my knight in shining amour. |
occupy...get it? No one else did. Great costume though |
And yes here lies my costume. A catholic school girl... |
Otherwise known as fake pregnant and drinking wine all night. |
Happy Halloween. Play safe it's all I'm saying |
So with one holiday down it is with great excitement that I watch the city begin decorating for my absolute favorite celebration of the year! Movember I watch with bated breath as you sprout around me the glorious ornaments of your season. Happy Holidays
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