Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunshine in my Veins

What a beautiful month February has been so far.  I am one of those single ladies that loves Valentines day regardless of my relationship status.  It might have something to do with all of the little pink and red hearts that line windows and bakery cases and my personal love of how absolutely in your face girly this holiday is.  Typically I do not categorize gender with color, but I can for this and I am taking pink and red.  A bit of residual Lisa Frank love from my childhood will always squeak out around this time of year.
Oh my God.  I want this.  Framed.  In my bedroom.   Above my bed.  Serious man repeller

Had all of these in grade school/maybe college (don't judge) 
Anyway to me Valentines day has always been a sweet and happy experience.  Especially the year I was bartending with a rail full of lonely men who after a few heavy handed whiskeys returned to me with flowers, chocolates (yes both plural), and the most oddly sweet, creepy, desperate card full of recollected missed connections that never actually happened between me and the drunken soul that gifted it.  I still own this card and will find it in boxes periodically over the years.  It is a super cheap and obvious insincere, ego boost appropriately addressed to Lora.  Dang I missed to boat on that one, curses.  This past Valentines day has so far been the absolute best!  In a close second, my long ago ex once manged to sneak us into a fancy recording studio late night to play for me the adorable pop song he had written, produced and recorded specifically for our first date, on Valentines day.  It felt like I was in a movie.  This year we literally turned ourselves into a movie.  My best friend Erika joined me west cost side for the season of love.  We dressed up, we drank copious amounts of great coffee, and since we were armed with fancy thrifted duds and highly caffeinated we rocked out like gods to the melody's of Dr Dog.  We invented a glamorous new way of picking up men.  In my head this tactic made us even sexier than a giant framed picture of a neon rainbow painted unicorn above my bed.  Though it has not yet snagged us any men it has given us a lot of laughter.  We laughed so much I forgot how much we could laugh.  We had a glorious adventure.  Saying goodbye seemed so heavy. You see there are no plans for me to see her again at all soon.  There are no large family holidays requiring me to travel home to Texas, no summer road trips across the country.  Sadly I have no clue how long till I see my lassie making our goodbye much more difficult.  Still having an essential piece of my past involved in my new life was rejuvenating, and I am grateful to know I have not been forgotten with distance.  So now without further delay I now present the Facebook replay of our movie mentioned above...

Erika lost in the woods stops to admire a beautiful waterfall and ponder life.
E:  (Pondering)

She ponders upon life's questionable nature...

Little does Erika know that lurking and pondering  in the same woods is Laura.
Da ta DON!  

Laura upon finding Erika is appalled at her choice of hiking attire .  In a jealous fit of rage she captures Erika and ties her to the railroad tracks

E: Ghhhaaaaa rrhaaaaa
L: I think you might be getting a cold. 

L:  Ah HA I have won.  The train will be here shortly and you will be  helpless!

But wait!  Who is this?  Could it be?  No?  It isn't?  Is it?  Who is he?  Does he hear our maidens cries?  Is this our hero?

Pants flies into action!  It is our hero! 

The struggle begins

The struggle ends

E:  My you have such floppy hair.  
Pants:  I am here to save you.  Let us focus.

Pants:  Fine velvet maiden I hope you are unharmed.
E:  Will you flip your hair one time for me, please.

And so they were.  Erika safe from harm and Pants did in fact flip his hair for her.  He did so flip it well.

TA DA!  And in conclusion with the spirit of this blog being somewhat fashion oriented and for further entertainment.  I bring you internet finds of Google railroad tracks and fashion.

Get it dude...Happy Valentine's day loves

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Normal Blog

I have now been sitting at a coffee shop looking around the room and on the web for over an hour.  I have many ideas today about what I want to write about, but I lack the ability today to bring anything together in an organized story.  I am a bit over caffeinated which I know might be one of the culprits.  I am more so just disappointed.  Most of my blogs are happily sarcastic and curious and I try and keep them that way, but today I came to write with cloudy thoughts.  So I have within the last few sentences decided to dedicate this blog to the extreme polarity of over and under expectations people have shared about me, to me, in the last few weeks.  I have what a sailor friend of mine once called a  "desirable profession".  I put the quotes around both words because my job is often too much fun for me to seriously call it a profession.  Now the desirable part is exactly what your base instincts lead you to, and like the sailors own profession it is not always the beautiful picture of romance and flexibility the stereotype carries.  I am dedicated to my job and all the weight it carries. Meaning that I am constantly working on improving my physical and mental health in order to be a better teacher, and a positive example for my community.  Now a side of gin with dinner, and a powerful addiction to coffee/tacos are all part of the detox/retox reality/balance of the fact that I spend almost all day being physical and love love love these little luxuries too much to give a fuck and deprive myself.  Here is the truth about me and my job, I am boring.  For my friends who read this wait a minute before you start defending my choice wording there.  I say boring over normal or easy or calm or even possibly content.  I am saying boring because this is a word I have recently been forced to deal with myself.  I am boring.  When someone meets a yoga teacher who can also tack on circus aerialist and cross country transplant I am not 100% percent sure but I am 99% sure those can seem like a lethal sexy showpiece.  So just to non-defensively clarify, in order to maintain the ability to do what I do you have to work really hard and you have to work a lot.  I am selective of my playtime. It is not conducive to my central focus.  Lucky for me I was generously blessed with my fathers beautiful clever wit so I am able to make the most out of even the simple situations.  This now allows my transition.  Some new fans have started attending my blog.  AWESOME and thank you so much!  In some recent feedback about my blogging style I was handed a verbal complement that I will loosely translate now.

Your blog has been surprising to everyone.  Since you don't talk the way you write (lie) we were all just so impressed by your storytelling.  It goes to show what I always knew that you have always been smarter than you thought.  It has just been given to you naturally without any work. (ouch)

This is not at all verbatim.  Also note the ironic incorrect punctuation.  I want the party who said this to know I do know you had the best intentions with your compliment.  I received this as a compliment.  Thank you, very seriously.  I am just curious as to how people I know can view me and my abilities with such extremes?   So I write this blog without any pictures or fun stories and fashionable frills as just a normal blog.  Like an extremely public, vulnerable,  and slightly embarrassingly fitting diary entry not attempting to change opinions.  Opinions only create as much life as is chosen to be given to them.  I do things the way I do them because I have only me.  In the end of everything I am only me in my own bones that delicately and deliberately cover my heart and keep the secrets only I know safe.  So a genuine thank you for being honest and helping hold a mirror to things I might not see nor want to.